Once you have downloaded the pak9hqq36.pk3-file, either copy it directly into your “ baseq3“-directory – or, if you want to keep the original content in place, into a new directory named “ hqq” on the same level as the baseq3 dir is located (basically inside your Q3 game folder). High Quality Quake Quake III Arena mod.This will bring you a beautiful sharp UI elements, fonts & models. Grab the “High Quality Quake pack for Quake III Arena” on. Update the Quake III Arena game content & graphics with high definition content High definition UI, fonts, models
Playing Quake 3 today should be done using the amazing ioquake3 app which is still in active development by the community today (since ID software open sourced the Quake 3-sourcecode): But how do we tune such an old game to tickle all the available processing speeds and huge screens? Here’s how you run Quake III Arena with High Definition Graphics & at 120 FPS or moreįirst things first: get the ioquake3 launcher But we are nostalgic and want to fire up old games, like Quake III Arena.
So it’s 2018 – we have 5k displays and powerful graphics cards and CPUs.